
Let's talk 
Product Design

Let's discuss how I can bring value to your product through design, about being intentional and designing with purpose.

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Behind the scenes.

The hidden journey from idea to finished product. It involves brainstorming, designing, prototyping, testing, and refining.
As I guide this process, I focus on every detail to surpass user expectations and support the team.  

System Thinking
I always keep an eye on the big picture so I can understand how elements within systems interact. This view gives me an edge in identifying patterns and relationships and solving complex problems.
I play a pivotal role in transforming the strategic product vision into tangible user experiences. By closely collaborating with stakeholders to ensure designs align with overarching goals, leveraging user research to inform design decisions.
I am hands-on where needed and actively collaborate with cross-functional teams. I'm ensuring that the product's core value is effectively translated into tangible customer benefits, ultimately generating profit for the business.
In this role, I oversee design projects from start to finish, ensuring successful delivery. I also manage the design department's resources and play a key role in hiring and retaining top design talent.

I've rolled my sleeves up for all things tech.

Below is a selection of product design case studies.
I'm happy to connect to share more about these case studies.

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Revenue cycle management and analytics
To boost B2B customer acquisition and competitive edge, Zirmed embarked on an overhaul of its revenue cycle analytics dashboard.

Leading the engagement, I ran client workshops, led the cross-disciplinary project team, and was hands-on in designing the UX and data visualisation.
The result completely transformed the experience, making operational decision-making and performance monitoring more collaborative.

Employee trading platform
Facing intense competition in the market for their global customers, Fidelity embarked on transforming their customer experience.

I led the engagement, collaborated with the multidisciplinary team, and designed the new experience.

With the successful redesign, specific business objectives were met, including providing a positive, streamlined experience for 1.3 million users across 226 global customers.

Financial caregiving startup
Reuniting with this startup team and advisory board to shape the product's early success was thrilling.

My role was crucial in this pivotal phase, clarifying the product and crafting the user experience.

The strategic collaboration led to successful customer validation, enhanced investor discussions, and refined the product-market fit and go-to-market strategy.

Call-centre software
Chordiant (now Pega) leveraged its CRM platform to bridge a gap in the financial sector. 

My role focused on evolving the call-centre software to support major financial institutions' fraud, disputes, and collections divisions.

One of the highlights was crafting the User Experience to flawlessly mesh with our cutting-edge adaptive recommendation engine. Chordiant's innovations were honoured with a design patent.

Rail, adventure booking e-comm
The Railroad's UX modernization initiative aimed to overhaul the multi-channel booking experience to boost overall bookings.

Leading the client engagement, I crafted the new User Experience from concept to detailed design and oversaw visual design and development.

The successful delivery of the new e-commerce customer experience design improved the discoverability of rail adventures and streamlined booking for locals and tourists.

Logistics workflow redesign
Is your team's internal workflow boosting or hindering your Customer Experience?

The Biomedical Equipment Management Team at this organisation was highly sought after by B2B customers, but internal bottlenecks led to customer dissatisfaction.

A thorough overhaul of workflows not only enhanced team and customer experiences, but also uncovered a promising new revenue stream.


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